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Fair Trade Festival



For the upper school event we have decided to put on a music festival during lunch time in the brel. We are going to ask different musicians around school to play for us.


In the back ground there will be a power point showing different pictures relating to fair trade, this will help people understand what fair trade is and why we are supporting it.

Leuvensesteenweg 19,

Tervuren 3080


Created By: Rian Ossendorp & Stephane Aries

Founded By: Rian, Stephane, Rachel, Holly,  Archana, Mirei, Alex, Andre & Henry.

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Envolving Year 4


​For the Year 4s we decided to organise a crossword. But not an ordinary boring one but one where the clues are at diferent locations all around the school campus.

To execute this activity the students will be in groups of five to 6 and find clues to finish and complete the crossword.


The first group to finish and have answered the whole cross word correctly will each recieve a Divine Fair Trade Chocolate Bar.

Year 5 Filming



During our campaign our team had to produce a film to promote fair trade and also promote the "BSB Fair Trade Foundation".


In the video we feature some short footage which we captured from filming the year 5. They named some examples of Fair Trade products and they also discussed how Fair Trade benifits the farmers and producers of the goods.

Fairtrade Fortnight


We are going to organize a fair trade quiz that will take place during fair  trade fortnight. All of secondary will take this quiz and your points will go towards your house.

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